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How To Conquer Binge Eating with Volume Eating—No Starving Required!

low calorie salad

Today, I want to talk about a topic that's really close to my heart: volume eating. If you've ever struggled with binge eating or simply felt like you're always hungry, this post is for you. Volume eating has been a game-changer for me, and I'm excited to share my journey and tips with you all.

What is Volume Eating?

First things first, what exactly is volume eating? It's a way of eating that focuses on consuming large amounts of low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods. The idea is to fill up on foods that are high in volume but low in calories, like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. This way, you can eat a lot without consuming too many calories, which is perfect if you're like me and love to eat!

My Personal Struggle with Binge Eating

Before discovering volume eating, I had a complicated relationship with food. I’ve been a binge eater in the past, and it was a vicious cycle. I would restrict myself, trying to be "good" and eat as little as possible, but then I’d get so hungry and deprived that I would binge on anything and everything in sight. I remember feeling so guilty and ashamed afterward, which only made things worse because I figured "hey I ruined my diet might as well keep on eating" It wasn’t just about the weight gain; it was about feeling out of control and miserable. I was able to do this with no significant weight gain because I was training clients every day and very active. This did not work out during pregnancy or after. This was something I had to nip and quick.

Then, I stumbled upon volume eating, and it completely changed my perspective on food and eating.

How Volume Eating Helped Me Overcome Binge Eating

The beauty of volume eating is that it allowed me to eat a lot of food without feeling like I was overindulging. Instead of trying to restrict myself and ending up bingeing, I started filling my plate with tons of veggies, lean proteins, and high-fiber foods. I was eating large portions, but because they were low in calories and high in nutrients, I felt satisfied and full without the guilt or the urge to binge later.

One of the biggest things that helped was focusing on nutrient density. When you fill your body with nutritious, whole foods, you’re not just eating to fill a void; you’re eating to nourish your body. I found that when I ate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, I didn’t feel as hungry or deprived. Plus, I was getting the vitamins and minerals my body needed, which made a huge difference in my energy levels and overall mood.

My Favorite Volume-Eating Foods

Here are some of my go-to foods when it comes to volume eating:

  1. Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, arugula—you name it. Leafy greens are super low in calories but high in volume. You can eat a huge salad bowl full of them and still not rack up too many calories.

  2. Vegetables: Veggies like cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, and cauliflower are perfect for volume eating. They’re crunchy, satisfying, and can be eaten in large quantities without adding many calories.

  3. Fruits: Berries, watermelon, apples, and oranges are some of my favorites. They’re naturally sweet, high in fiber, and low in calories, making them perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth without going overboard.

  4. Lean Proteins: Chicken breast, turkey, tofu, and egg whites are great sources of lean protein that can help keep you full and satisfied.

  5. Soups and Stews: Broth-based soups and stews loaded with vegetables are fantastic for volume eating. They’re warm, comforting, and filling, especially on those days when you’re feeling extra hungry.

  6. Popcorn: This might surprise you, but popcorn is actually a great volume food! As long as you’re not drowning it in butter, popcorn is low in calories and can be eaten in large quantities. It’s my go-to snack when I want something crunchy and satisfying.

Tips for Getting Started with Volume Eating

If you’re new to volume eating, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Focus on Whole, Unprocessed Foods: The key to volume eating is choosing foods that are low in calories but high in nutrients. Think fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. These foods are naturally filling and provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly.

  2. Eat Mindfully: Just because you’re eating low-calorie foods doesn’t mean you should eat mindlessly. Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues and try to eat slowly to give your body time to recognize when it’s full.

  3. Experiment with Recipes: There are so many delicious volume-eating recipes out there! Try making big salads, veggie-packed stir-fries, or hearty soups. The more you experiment, the more you’ll find foods and meals that you genuinely enjoy and that make you feel good.

  4. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand: One of the things that helped me the most was always having healthy snacks on hand. Whether it’s chopped veggies, fresh fruit, or a handful of popcorn, having these options readily available made it easier to avoid unhealthy, high-calorie snacks.

  5. Stay Hydrated: Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help keep hunger at bay.


Volume eating has been a lifesaver for me, and it might just be what you need if you’ve struggled with binge eating or feeling deprived on a diet. It’s about abundance, not restriction. It’s about filling up on foods that make you feel good, both physically and mentally. You don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight or be healthy. It’s about finding a balance that works for you and makes you feel your best.

So, if you’re tired of feeling hungry all the time or battling with binge eating, give volume eating a try. It might just change your life the way it did mine!

Stay strong, stay healthy, and know you’re not alone on this journey. We’re in this together!



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