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Ultimate Glute Workouts for Growth: Training Frequency Matters

Updated: Jul 26

women performing front squat

If you've been dreaming of a pair of glutes that make heads turn and jaws drop, you've come to the right place. Today, we're diving deep into one of the most common questions we get: "How often should I train my glutes for maximum growth?" Get ready to discover the secrets to building a booty that’s not just peachy but perfectly sculpted!

The Magic Number: Frequency Matters

First things first, let’s talk about how often you should be hitting glutes.

The golden rule? Aim for 2 to 3 times per week. Here’s why this frequency hits the sweet spot.


Your muscles need time to repair and grow stronger after each workout. Training your glutes more than three times a week can lead to overtraining and burnout. On the flip side, training them less frequently might not provide enough stimulus for growth.


Hitting your glutes 2-3 times a week ensures consistent progress without overwhelming your schedule. It’s like the perfect balance between work and play – enough to see gains, but not so much that you’re stuck in a perpetual state of soreness.

Designing Your Glute Workouts

Now that you know how often to train, let’s break down what those glute workouts should look like. A killer glute workout should include a mix of compound movements, isolation exercises, and variations in tempo and resistance. Here are some glute workouts for growth.



The OG Glute workout! Variations like back squats, front squats, and goblet squats target different parts of your glutes and thighs.


Romanian deadlifts and sumo deadlifts are fantastic for hitting those hamstrings and glutes.

Hip Thrusts

The ultimate glute builder. Make sure to include barbell hip thrusts and single-leg hip thrusts in your routine. This was the glute workout that changed the game for me.

This added mass and thickness to my glutes.


Walking lunges, reverse lunges, and curtsy lunges help to shape and define your glutes and legs.


Use a bench or step to perform step-ups, focusing on driving through your heel to engage the glutes.

Mixing It Up

Variations and progressions to keep your glute workouts fresh and effective, it’s crucial to mix things up. Here’s how.

Change the Tempo

Slow down the eccentric (lowering) phase of your lifts to increase time under tension. Try 3-4 seconds on the way down for a serious burn.

Increase Resistance

Gradually add more weight to your lifts. Progressive overload is key to muscle growth.

Increase your weights every week even if by 5lbs but DO NOT underestimate yourself. most likely you can do more than you think.

Try Different Angles

Small changes in foot positioning or the angle of your body can hit different parts of your glutes.

Use Bands

Resistance bands are great for adding extra tension and can be used in exercises like clamshells, lateral band walks, and banded squats, glute bridges, frog pumps. Bands are a great way to keep your glute workouts fresh the possibilities are endless.

The Importance of Rest and Nutrition

Remember, muscles are built in the kitchen and during rest as much as in the gym. Here are some tips to optimize your recovery and nutrition.

Protein Intake

Aim for around 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to support muscle repair and growth.


Ensure you’re getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Your body does a lot of its repair work while you snooze.


Stay hydrated! Water is essential for muscle function and recovery.

Active Recovery

Light activities like walking, yoga, or gentle stretching can help increase blood flow and aid in recovery without overworking your muscles.

The takeaway

Building the glutes of your dreams is a mix of smart training, consistency, and proper recovery. By training your glutes 2-3 times a week and incorporating a variety of exercises and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to achieving that strong, sculpted booty. So, grab those weights, hit the gym, and let’s grow those glutes together!

Remember, your journey to a better booty starts now!

what are your favorite glute workouts?

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