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Energize Your Exercise: Energy Drinks and Caffeine vs Natural Pumps

Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or just trying to stay awake through your Zoom meetings, we’ve all sought that magic potion to give us an extra edge.

So, let’s break down the pros and cons of each, share why I have a soft spot for pumps but reach for pre-workout when I’m dragging, and even talk about whipping up your own concoctions and for those leaning towards Mother Nature’s bounty, let’s not forget the humble beet.

So, let's begin

energy drinks and caffeine vs natural pumps

Pre-Workout Supplements Pros:

 Tailored Ingredients designed to boost performance, endurance, and focus, pre-workouts often combine caffeine, beta-alanine, and creatine for a well-rounded kick.

Versatile Options: 

Whether you love a good tingle or want something stimulant-free, there’s a pre-workout for everyone.

Cons: Potential Overstimulation

Too much caffeine can lead to jitters or an upset stomach, especially on an empty tank.

Ingredient Roulette: Some blends may contain unnecessary fillers or ingredients with minimal benefit.

Energy Drink Pros: Convenience:

Grab, pop, and you’re ready to go. Energy drinks are the epitome of quick and easy energy boosts.

energy drinks from different brands

Taste Variety: 

With everything from tropical bliss to sour power, there’s a flavor out there for every palate.

Plus, the rise of 0 sugar and naturally sweetened options caters to health-conscious consumers.


Varied Sugar Content:

While many energy drinks now boast 0 sugar or utilize alternative sweeteners, navigating the choices and understanding the effects of different sweeteners on your body can be a challenge.

Not Just for Workouts: 

Given their broad marketing for general energy needs, not all energy drinks contain the targeted ingredients that specifically benefit workouts, such as amino acids or B vitamins.

Reflecting on this, energy drinks have certainly come a long way, offering options that fit more seamlessly into a health-conscious lifestyle.

Whether you’re looking for a zero-sugar lift or prefer naturally sweetened beverages, there’s

likely an energy drink out there that meets your workout needs without compromising on taste or health goals.

Pumps (Nitric Oxide Boosters) Pros: Enhanced Blood Flow:

Pumps increase nitric oxide in the body, improving blood flow to muscles for that satisfying swell.

No Stimulants:

For those sensitive to caffeine, pumps offer a way to boost performance without the shakes. Cons: Subtler Effect: If you’re looking for an obvious kick, pumps might feel underwhelming compared to their caffeinated counterparts.


Quality nitric oxide boosters can be pricier than other options.

why do I lean towards pumps but grab a pre-workout when my tank is on E? Pumps give me that smooth, steady push without the rollercoaster ride of caffeine. But let’s be real, some days you just need that extra jolt, and pre-workout is like the cavalry coming over the hill.

Making Your Own

Creating your blend lets you control exactly what goes into your body.

Start with a caffeine source (if you’re into that), add some creatine for strength, beta-alanine for endurance, and citrulline for those pump benefits. Adjust the ratios to find what sings to your body and soul.


For a more natural route, juicing beets is a game changer.

Beets are nature’s nitric oxide bombs, offering many of the same benefits as commercial pumps. Plus, you’re getting a heap of vitamins and minerals. It’s earthy, it’s sweet, and it’s darn effective. For a flavor boost squeeze a lemon 😉

Choosing between pre-workout supplements, energy drinks, and pumps depends on your goals, sensitivities, and taste.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer but experimenting (safely) can help you discover what makes your heart sing and your muscles pop. Whether you’re mixing up a storm in your kitchen or opting for the convenience of store-bought, the perfect energizer is out there waiting for you.

And remember, a beet a day keeps the fatigue at bay. Here’s to finding your perfect workout enhancer!

beets and a beets drink



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